Are you tired of sharing a desk with your boss? Are you sick of twisting your back into a pretzel in order to do your work? Are you finished with living in fear that someone may spill coffee all over your laptop?


“Ouuuhh, my sciatica!”


Well, I know I was! For over 9 months I sacrificed my heart, soul, and back health to the Justamere Cafe and Bistro while I worked without a desk of my own… but everything changed yesterday! Enough was enough, and Eileen splurged on the most beautiful second hand desk from a woman on the internet!

So I write to you now, from behind dark mahogany that is scratched with the names of old lovers, to tell the tale of how I came to have my very own desk at the Justamere Cafe!



Now don’t mistake my comment earlier about the desk being second hand as any form of disdain, I was honestly very excited about getting a desk, and even more grateful to have it! I had been looking for quite some time, and finally found the perfect desk on Antigonish Buy & Sell two days ago… so yesterday we sealed the deal and Eileen and I were off to pick up my new baby… I shall call her Devlin!

In preparation for our big adventure, Eileen and I made sure to refuel on matching Cordon Bleu’s and Caesar salad for lunch! Nothing says “New Desk Excitement” like a solid inch of ham!

Chicken Cordon Bleu

Refuelled and refreshed with lunch in our bellies and Justamere Cafe’s Ice Coffees in tow, we set out towards North Grant where Janice (the seller) and Devlin (the desk) were waiting patiently for our arrival!


Filled with Bleu and lots to do!

So, as you can see I was pretty excited…I had never had my own desk before – I was feeling like a big girl with a big girl job- I wasn’t wearing my horse dress today, no sir, I was wearing pantyhose, I had taken a few important phone calls that morning and now I was getting my OWN DESK!


 There she is! Safely in the back of the truck – ready to come to her new home! (Thanks for driving Eileen!)


We made it back to the restaurant in one piece, well mostly… Devlin lost a little chunk on the way out of the truck, but she’s still beautiful! The middle drawer may sag, the top drawer may not always want to open, there’s is a pretty jagged piece that protrudes that I’m quite sure will ruin many future pairs of panty hose, and the left front leg is quite weak… but she’s perfect all the same… (I literally just cut my arm on a jagged corner…)

You know what my favourite thing about my new desk is though?… besides my new constant fear of splinters and a possible mold issues?…. it’s the handy dandy cutting board it came with – perfect for mid-afternoon snacking!



And that my friends is the story of how Devlin the Desk and I found each other

The End!


… Now of course there is much more that I could (and maybe should) be writing on rather than my brand new, used desk… I could elaborate on Carrie’s iced coffee’s, or talk about exciting changes at the Justamere, or even profile one of the two new waitstaff we’ve hired… but I don’t really want to today. This may have appeared to be just a blog about my new desk, but it’s more important than that… it’s actually a blog about what my new desk means to me.

My desk didn’t cost $100, it didn’t even cost $50 – and it probably won’t even make it two months, but that’s not the point. The point is that it’s mine, and Eileen and the Justamere Cafe got it just for me. It’s a symbol of respect and appreciation because after all, important people who have important and valuable things to do sit behind desks, and now I sit behind one too.

While sometimes I write about the food, and sometimes I write about the staff…today I wanted to write a little bit about the owner. Above and beyond Eileen’s usual efforts to make myself and all her staff feel appreciated everyday, yesterday she bought me a desk. I love my job, and I’ve yet to find a better boss. We should all be so lucky to be employed by such a person; a lady who would buy you the stinkiest, oldest desk imaginable just because you loved it, a friend who would borrow a truck just to help you lug it back, and a boss who would push her own desk back into the corner to make room for yours.
