Patio Season is Coming!

My favorite part of the summer days in Nova Scotia has nothing to do with daylight at all. Rather, it’s that small window of time between getting off work and when my favorite TV shows start in the evening. It’s that 3 or 4 hours where the sounds of children playing in their back yards and the smell of BBQ’s combine to create what summer feels like. To me it’s not about the hot days, it’s about the luke warm nights. It isn’t about the beaches, although I love them, it’s about the patio weather.

There’s something special about relaxing on the patio of a restaurant. At no other time of year or day, is it acceptable for me to sit out and get bitten by black flies or to have my food cool quickly in the evening breeze. But if you put me on that patio between clocking out at work, and when Jeopardy begins, then I’m content to be eaten alive by bugs while my fishcakes cool to the temperature of my Greek salad.

The drinks taste colder and the view can’t be beaten. Seeing the sunset over the town while people bustle to get their groceries for the evening just makes you feel like you’re doing something right. Like you’ve got this summer thing figured out. Sipping a Caesar on the patio of the Justamere Café and Bistro just sounds so good I can already taste it.

Dining on the patio is the epitome of stopping to smell the roses, except in our case you’re stopping to smell the sweet coconut curry aroma from your fresh mussels.  Everything is slowed down and your can let your workday slip away. There are no clocks outside, only the setting sun to alert you to when Jeopardy is starting, and only your Goosebumps to tell you when it’s time to go inside.

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