Tag Archive for: justamere

One of the best things about going on vacation is coming home. Don’t get me wrong though… the cheap beer in Florida was awesome (What! Free wine with the purchase of a two-four of beer?… don’t mind if we do), the hot dogs at Disney World were amazing, and being responsibility free for eight days was the best… but there’s just something great about coming home.

And it might only be because Valentine’s day just passed, or it could be that I’m developing a devastating allergy to red wine… but I’m pretty sure this “warm and fuzzy” feeling that I have for the Justamere right now is because … well… to put it bluntly… the service we received and the food we ate in Florida was garbage (with the exception of Disney World hotdogs, of course).

Now, working in the food service industry it’s difficult not to be a little extra critical of restaurants when you go out to eat… but there are times when, regardless of who you are, you can see bad food and service from a mile away. I’m not sure how many times Mark and I said it, but it was upwards of a dozen that we wished there was a Justamere cafe in Florida.


Our New Location!

So, I’ve compiled a list of “helpful hints” for Florida restaurants (and all restaurants in general) on what not to do… ever… not even a little bit… not even one time when no one is looking.


1. Don’t feed me soggy nachos in the dark and not give me any napkins.
And yes… I know I have a starched up fancy linen napkin somewhere on my table (although I can’t see it) but all those do to help is push food around… they’re about as absorbent as the palm of my hand.

2. Don’t bring me my cheque when I’m not done.
I just finished my soggy nachos… I just finished my beer… and while I’m sure not many people opt for a second round of that wet corn chip atrocity… I probably did want another beer to help rinse the taste out of my mouth.

3. Don’t be rude.
Just don’t. You know I’m a tourist… I know I’m a tourist… we can all tell from my camera and stylish walking sandals. If you came to my restaurant I’d be nice to you… so please be nice to me.


We know we look like tourists – only thing missing is a fanny pack.

4. There is no “wrong time” to have a hot dog.
Don’t refuse to sell me a Disney World hot dog before 11am… I thought Disney world was where dreams come true? Well my dream was to have a hot dog at 9am and you’ve crushed it. Lucky for me there’s 300 places to buy hot dogs in the park and I didn’t have to see your smug face at 11:01 when I came for what was rightfully mine.

5. Don’t assume that I don’t want a balloon animal.
When your job is to go table to table making balloon animals for the patrons of your restaurant… don’t skip me because I have delicious crab and butter all over my face and hands. I saw you make that wicked dolphin for the kid over across the restaurant… and I even saw the parrot you made for the woman beside me. We locked eyes.. I smiled and then your turned away. If that ever happens again, I’ll need a balloon bucket to catch my tears.

6. Don’t give me a super cool futuristic pager and then not use it.
I’m pretty easily excitable, and when your restaurant gives me a flashy pager to alert me to when my table is ready… you best use that pager. I didn’t sit there for 30 minutes staring at it, afraid to use the bathroom, and on the edge of my seat for you to just call my name… rendering my pager useless.

Welcome to the future - fancy futuristic pagers mandatory.

Welcome to the future – fancy futuristic pagers mandatory.

7. Don’t give me a super cool futuristic pager and then not use it (Part 2)
When you hand me a pager and tell me it will buzz when my food is ready… and then it doesn’t… but I can see my food sitting on the counter – I am faced with a dilemma…  Half of me wants to let it sit so I can feel that rush of adrenalin  when my pager finally buzzes, but the other half of me can see my panini getting cold. Now i’m just disappointed – my food is cold and my pager never buzzed. Oh and my smoothie was gross.

8. Don’t rush me.
I hate, hate, hate when I’m rushed at a restaurant. I didn’t come in right before you closed, my nice dress and stylish walking sandals don’t indicate that I’m here for a quick bite, and we ordered a bottle of wine. Don’t rush me. When you put my entree down beside me when I’m only half way done my appetizer it makes me want to go eat soggy nachos in the dark and cry into my balloon bucket.


Well there you have it, my 8 helpful hints for Florida restaurants! Regardless of some less than fantastic meals, Mark and I did have an amazing vacation though! There were far more good experiences than bad, and we were lucky to even get the opportunity to get away for a week – and while vacations can be great, it’s always nice to come home… especially when you’re so proud of where you come from.



Shortly after I began managing at the Justamere, Eileen started pestering me… er… I mean “supportively encouraging” me to start a restaurant blog. It was something we had talked about fairly often, but I had always been to shy to put my thoughts into text for everyone to read. Eventually though, I just decided to do it (wine may or may not have been involved), and while it may have taken me some time to work up the courage (possibly liquid courage), I’m really glad I did….. I never thought this blog would go over so well, or spur as many encouraging comments from friends and customers… It’s really is wonderful and never ceases to make me feel special!

BUT wait, holdup! It’s not all rainbows and butterflies and horse dresses….I now find myself constantly under stress when trying to come up with new blog topics and better posts. I feel pressure to keep the people happy!

So… fairly often now as a solution, I combat my writers block by Googling “Interesting blog topics”, “Restaurant blogs”, “How to write a good blog”, or “how to beat level 97 in candy crush”… and so on… For a while this was helpful. I found links suggesting I make lists; hence the blogs about My Final Meal, or My (Not So Guilty) Guilty Pleasures. I found blogs based on interviews, from which I created A Casual Chat with Mark Curry, and my homage to Chelsey. Then there were all my blogs on notable events at the restaurant, like the time the water was shut off, or my article on the Menu Tasting Evening… It seems though, that since Devlin the Desk arrived in my life, I just can’t quite think of anything to write about….

Once again though, Google saves the day and I stumbled across an interesting article about how to build the reader base of your blog. This particular article suggested that I should find the most popular Google searches of the last week and write a blog about that… therefore, when anyone searches this very popular topic, they may be directed to my page! Genius!

So… that is why my blog is about Beyonce’s Haircut… which received over 1,000,000 searches in only one day! Holy cow Beyonce, she even beat out OPRAH!… OPRAH!

My hope for today is that when people Google “Beyonce’s Haircut” they will be led here… where I will…


1. Show them photos of Beyonce’s Haircut…


2. Comment on Beyonce’s haircut: Oh B, you can do no wrong… Is that Oprah in the background of this photo?


And then….




4. Shamelessly plug restaurant:

Come to the Justamere Cafe and Bistro where your food is made fresh to order, the service is outstanding and the atmosphere is comfortable and welcoming!!

menu tasting - group

What an amazing sight indeed! A restaurant full of our closest family and friends – all there to support our efforts at creating a new menu…. either that or they were there for the free food. But for the sake of the story, lets assume that they were giving of their time freely for the cause! Not to mention, flattery will get you a long way, and we were in need of some of our most attractive fans and clientele to photograph! And jeeze, who knew we had so many attractive friends!

menu tasting - gang

It was a classy night, with classy folks, and Chef Mark Curry had a delicious menu in store for his family and friends. The premise of the evening was to have people sample new menu items while capturing some candid dining room shots!

Our models did not disappoint! 

menu tasting - paulacarrietyler

Our guests enjoyed a sampling of bisque, appetizers and entrees!

menu tasting - alliekateryan

Eileen and I were even able to serve the waitstaff for a change, so they could relax and enjoy the food and drinks that they so often serve to others! 

menu tasting - applauding

The highlight of the evening, besides the food of course, was when Mark came out and received a standing ovation from everyone in the dining room! Eileen and I got a little choked up, we were so proud! So needless to say, the menu tasting was a success and with the helpful comments from everyone who partook in the evening, the Justamere Cafe and Bistro will be coming out with some new and exciting menu items for the summer!